Post #59 – Notes from a mostly angry woman…
I did some spring cleaning over the weekend, and I found some interesting communications, which I’ve posted in various places in my house over the years. I never thought it was a big deal that I’d...
View ArticlePost 72 -The PROOF is in the PUDDING…in praise of WORDPRESS… :)
My first two novels, which were both sci-fi, were universally rejected by 30-40 different publishers and agents between 2001 through the end of 2002. However, at least with the second novel, I did...
View ArticleAbout the lack of CRAZY…
Just wanted to apologize that I haven’t posted anything in awhile. My husband’s grandmother died last week, sadly, at the age of 86. She’d been ill for awhile, so her passing wasn’t unexpected,...
View ArticleThe BEST story about a book-signing ever! :)
I happened upon this post yesterday at: and it brought tears to my eyes! Every writer’s nightmare is sitting in a...
View ArticlePost #82 – Star Award/Blog of the Year!!
A few days ago, I found out that I was honored with a STAR AWARD and nominated for Blog of the Year! Yes, I was TOTALLY thrilled , to say the least. I’d like to publicly thank Tinatimebomb for giving...
View ArticlePost 88 – Back off, baloney spewing ass-hats or embrace THE CYBER-FIST! :)
Upon reading the incredible words of Wisdom of the fair maiden known as SWEET MOTHER, who catapults her provocative and wondrous verbiage upon our cyber pages this day regarding the subject of THE...
View ArticlePost #91 – The NOT so FULLY EQUIPPED kitchen and Negotiating with Santa, the...
The insanity meter is always exceedingly high when I go out of town, and the trip to Los Angeles on March 6 (2013) was no exception. My plane was scheduled to depart at 9:40 AM, and I was already...
View ArticlePost #92 – About my luggage art…and the ART of conversing with strangers…
After penning my last post about my recent trip to Hollyweird, I realized I’d FORGOTTEN one of the main reasons for the aforementioned cyber chapter. So, needless to say, JET LAG, and tending to my...
View ArticlePost #96 – The Legend of the Blue Notebook – in Honor of Mother’s Day
Since yesterday was Mother’s Day, I decided to divulge a story about my dearly departed Mother, whose life, sadly, was truncated by cancer in 2007. I miss her terribly, but her magic Mommy mojo still...
View ArticlePost #99 – Still unhappy, but there is a dog named SUE…
Do you hear it? No? It’s the SOUND of silence…:). The Food Channel isn’t squawking over the monitor in my office! No, I’m not ignoring Nana, and she’s still kicking. The moment described in:...
View ArticlePost #105 – About that Pink Elephant and a dance down memory lane…
As promised, the continuation of my previous post: about my high school reunion… Photo stolen from...
View ArticlePost #107 – If you’re weird, and you know it…clap your hands! :)
First, my mother told me I was weird in high school because I like sci-fi and horror books and movies as well as thriller and action movies. I have many tomes by Mr. King and Mr. Koontz. For some odd...
View ArticlePOST #112 – Death by CHOCOLATE of the sad variety…
My cousin’s birthday was yesterday. I made her a cake from scratch. Why? Well, I’m one of those freaks who prefers to eat food that I can identify or at least pronounce as opposed to a cake with items...
View ArticleYes, I am, in fact – LOOKING FOR CRAZY…:)
I HAVE A NEW BLOG. Its purpose is to gather crazy-assed narratives, post them on WP, and eventually incorporate 4 or 5 of them into a collection/book of bizarro stories called Tales from the Lunatic...
View ArticlePost #120 My brain on writing…a picturesque poem…
This is my brain on writing Eyes fixed on an unseen focal point so inviting TOTALLY unaware of anyone or anything around me. totally living inside a lovely maple tree Swimming in oceans that don’t...
View ArticlePost #122 – Words of Wisdom from the WEE ones…
A friend of mine just found out she’s going to be a grandmother, which catapulted my brain into the Netherlands of Mommy lane when my boys were growing up. Frequently, these days my conversations with...
View ArticlePost #126 – LOVE, Love Walking Dead, but I don’t like that sound…
Um, yeah, Rick, do you hear that? I couldn’t help but notice this really odd sound echoing in the background during last night’s episode of Walking Dead. It took me awhile, but I figured it out. It’s...
View ArticlePOST #127 – Sometimes nothing is absolutely fabulous!
While I wouldn’t enjoy sleeping until 4:00 in the afternoon like one of my theatrical heroes Peter Gibbons (think Office Space), I did wallow in nothing for a whole day, which I mentioned to my...
View ArticlePost # 128 – Going off the grid…and about the man who wakes up as a pink...
OMG, IT’S FRIDAY, and it’s supposed to get up to 59 degrees today! I’m breaking out my shorts and flip flops! :) Additionally, I may be AWOL for a bit while working on Tales from the Lunatic Lounge....
View ArticlePost #130 – The Crime Chronicles of Decker Zane
For those who weren’t aware, Lynne Logan, my twin sister, wrote a book called - The Crime Chronicles of Decker Zane, which was published in 2005. It was intended to be a series of books about a...
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